Greetings Al! This page is created so you have an idea of what we are planning for reference.

Quick History of Club, in regards to expansion.

  • Track Construction Began - 1973

  • Upper Loop Construction - 1983 (Goes by White Oak)

  • Station Loop Construction - 1998 (By Kids Kingdom)

To give you an idea of space requested for track expansion, we are requesting to use the space between the 20 ft and 32 ft space indicated below.

As you have mentioned before, there are gates on the back side of the dog park. We choose a gap of 20 feet as a starting point, but can be increased as needed. Also, a vehicle road crossing can be installed if desired to allow ever more access.

The “rough” track path proposed is drawn in Pink in the image below. Please not that the track line are not to scale. This only show path and design, not actual footprint.

Notes on Proposed Expansion:

1) Vehicle Crossing for Dog Park or is space between fence and track sufficent.

2) Vehicle Crossing in the middle of open field - Special Event traffic routing.

3) Area around furthest tree will need dirt work. Drainage issues to be considered or any recommendations?

4) Based on map above, will avoid septic lines past dog park but would like to confirm or will re-route as needed.